SAFETY in SKYTECH has been exercised right from its inception. SKYTECH has defined the Safety routine plans and for each project a Safety Manager is assigned, who controls the safety requirements of that particular project till it’s completion.
- Hazard Detection
- Hazard and accident prevention
- Accident Remedy
- Accident, Incident and Near Miss follow up.
- Protective Clothing are worn by all employees.
- Construction signs and requirement to wear PP at all worksites.
- Work site is clearly marked by post or fence
- Trench areas are properly shored up or laid back against any cave ins
SKYTECH organizes Training Classes for all Safety personnel and reviews all accident reports and takes general corrective action. Work sites are patrolled to make sure what is preached is practiced. Organizes backup for safe operations of particular assignments.
At SKYTECH, Teamwork is the primary and mandatory concept on which each employee is committed. To strive to fulfill our clients needs through clear communication, Teamwork, integrity, and a desire to provide superior quality services is our MISSION